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Attentat am Frankfurter Flughafen: Eishockeyspieler getötet

Verfasst: Fr 4. Mär 2011, 13:48
von tennisplatzis
Der beim Attentat am Frankfurter Flughafen getötete Busfahrer, Airman Zachary Cuddeback, war ein Mitglied der Eishockeyfamilie und Spieler bei den KMC Eagles, Team im Rahmen einer Eishockey-Partnerschaft zwischen den im Raum Mannheim stationierten US-Soldaten und den Adler Mannheim:
"It is a sad day for our Eagles organization and the Ramstein community. A1C Zachary Cuddeback was the bus driver that was needlessly killed at the Frankfurt airport yesterday. During one of our practices, he took a cut above the eye from a stick. I asked him if he was alright, and he said "its superficial, there's no crying in hockey." Zack had a great love for the game.

We are truly disheartened by this event and the loss of life. Our heart felt condolences go out to his family, friends, and co-workers during this time."